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Oleh : Admin K.I.A Tours - Kategori : Visa & Passport
Jan 2023


Rajawali Tower Building, 25th floor Kawasan Mega Kuningan Lot 5.1, South Jakarta
T : (62-21) 576-1523, 576-1524
F : (62-21) 576-1537
Email: emb.jakarta@mfa.no /
Website: http://www.norwegia.or.id/

Terms and Conditions

  1. Passport validity minimum 6 months from estimated arrival date.
  2. Newest Photo with 3,5 x 4,5 size = 2 sheets, with white background, using photo paper with good quality and clear proportional face when zoomed 70%
  3. Sponsorship letters in English from company where applicant works. If there is more person/family joining the trip then you can add his/her name and status on the letter.
    • Copy of SIUP (Owner) and in English and NPWP must be attached if the applicant is General Manager, Director, President Director or Commissioner
    • If the applicant is business owner and not having official letterhead then type the letter in English with applicant company’s stamp and also attach copy of NPWP and SIUP(Owner) in English
    • If the applicant is getting sponsor from his/her child, please attach copy of the child birth certificate to prove the relationship with the child. → In English
    • If the applicant is getting sponsor from in law, please attach copy of child married certificate and birth certificate to prove the relationship → In English.
    • If the applicant is retired, the letter can be written on paper In English and signed
  4. Copy of Last 3 Months applicant’s bank statements ( with clear name and account number, until last transactions) minimum IDR. 50 Millions/ person
  5. Copy of Family Card ( Kartu Keluarga )
  6. If the passport name is different from applicant data, please attach copy of Certificate of Change of Name (Surat Ganti Nama) In → English
  7. Copy of Marriage Certification ( Akte Nikah )
  8. If applicant’s child is joining the trip and still actively school, then you can add:
    • Copy of Student Card (Kartu Pelajar)
    • Copy of Birth Certificate (Akte Kelahiran) In English
  9. Print out of reservation tickets
  10. Travel Insurance
  11. Hotel Confirmation during trip in Europe
  12. Form is filled and signed by applicant. For the child who doesn’t have an Resident Identity Card (KTP), the form is signed by both of his/her parents
  13. The applicant must come to Embassy.


  1. All applicant must come to do biometric (all age) even they already did the fingerprint / VIS
  2. Applicant can’t borrow passport
  3. Do not give any additional documents when the document is already processed on VFS Norway
  4. The duration of the visa process is calculated after all the document requirements are received in full
  5. All visa applicant must come to embassy to interview
  6. For Foreign passport can’t be processed in Indonesia but can be process at issued country.
  7. For Business Visa must have invitation with official letterhead from Norwegian Company
  8. No refund if visa rejected by Embassy or applicant decided to cancel
  9. The succeed of visa granted is authority from Embassy.
  10. Visa prices and terms can be changed anytime without prior notice following Embassy regulations.


TypeProcessPriceAppointment + Form
Tourist / Business15 DaysIDR 2,200,000Online Form

Notes :
  • Price can changes anytime without prior notice
  • Prices Do Not Include VAT 1,1%
  • Price as per 22 January 2022
  • K.I.A Tours is not responsible for any visa refusal or delay in granting the visa where the provisions for such granting are the authority of the related Embassy.
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Jl. Suryopranoto No.45 7, RT.7/RW.7, Petojo Sel., Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

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Email: Kiaharmoni@kiatravels.com

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