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Oleh : Admin K.I.A Tours - Kategori : Visa & Passport
Jan 2023


World Trade Centre I, 6th Floor Jalan Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31, Jakarta 12920

P : (62-21) 2550-7800

F : (62-21) 2550-7800

Email : canadianembassy.jkrta@international.gc.ca


  1. Fill in the Visa Form and Family Information
  2. Passport valid for more than 6 months from arrival and an old passport.
  3. Latest color photograph, size 3,5 x 4,5 = 2 pieces, with a white background, and the printed photo paper with good print quality and clear appearance (ears must be visible, if you passport using wig / wig, then pass photo for embassies must use wig / wig).
  4. English-language sponsorship letter on the company letterhead where the person works. If there is another person / family member who is traveling, then the name and status of the person is listed.
    • If the position of General Manager, Director, President Director, or Commissioner must be accompanied by a photocopy of TIN and Trade Business License.
    • If you have your own business and there is no company letterhead, the letter is typed on plain white paper with company’s stamp and includes a photocopy of TIN and Trade Business License.
    • If sponsored by a child, attach a photocopy of the child’s birth certificate which can prove the relationship.
    • If sponsored by a daughter-in-law, please attach a photocopy of the child’s marriage certificate and the child’s birth certificate which can prove the relationship.
    • If you are retired, the letter will be typed on plain white paper and signed by yourself.
  5. Financial proof of the last 3 months using photocopy of the bank statement or savings book (from the front page that listed the name and account number to the last page of the transaction)
  6. Photocopy of family card.
  7. If the name listed in the passport is different then attach a photocopy of the letter change name
  8. Photocopy of Marriage Certificate must be attached by the applicant who is married (wife / husband).
  9. If the child travels and still in school, then attach:
    • Photocopy of student card / school certificate
    • Photocopy of birth certificate
    • Photocopy of ID Card (KTP | applicant who has entered the age of 17 years and above)
  10. Print out a ticket reservation.
  11. Attach a vaccine certificate from PeduliLindungi, which includes:
    • Name
    • Type of vaccine
    • Date of the final dose received
    • Issuing country
    • Issuing organizationd
  1. Prior to the visa process, you must take an appointment in advance at VFS Canada (Appointment Schedule)
  2. All applicants are required to COME, (except age BELOW 14 years and ABOVE 79 years) for biometrics (Photos and Fingerprints) at VFS Canada Jakarta (Kuningan City Mall 2nd Floor, Jakarta)
  3. Must not be late, if late you must require to take re-appointment schedule.






Single/ Multiple

90 Days

IDR 2,800.000

Formulir Visa Online

Notes :
  • Above Prices Are Subject To Change At Any Time Without Prior Notice
  • Prices Do Not Include VAT 1,1%
  • Price as per 22 January 2022
  • Family Information Form
  • Consent Form
  • Representative Form
  • Upon arrival in Canada, you must bring a vaccine certificate from PeduliLindung and PCR test results 72 hours before arrival in Canada.
  • The types of vaccines accepted by Canada are: Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca/Covishield and Janssen
  • K.I.A Travels is not responsible for any visa refusal or delay in granting the visa where the provisions for such granting are the authority of the related Embassy.
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Jl. Suryopranoto No.45 7, RT.7/RW.7, Petojo Sel., Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

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Email: Kiaharmoni@kiatravels.com

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